Heinrich Schütz Konservatorium Dresden

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HSKD choirs

Knabenchor Dresden (Dresden Boys’ Choir)

Photographer: Michael Schmidt
Photographer: Michael Schmidt

With its specific, charming sound, the Dresden Boys' Choir has enriched Saxony's great choral tradition since 1971, making it one of the younger boys' choirs in Germany. Manfred Winter founded the Dresden Boys' Choir and led it successfully until Matthias Jung took over in 1998. With the change of leadership, the choir was also affiliated to the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory.

Today, the choir has around 90 boys and young men between the ages of 5 and 30 who make music together in various choir groups. Its repertoire ranges from sacred and secular vocal music from the 16th century to contemporary choral music. One focus is on sacred vocal music from the 16th to 18th centuries. Choral works accompanied by orchestra are also regularly on the program.

Concert tours take the Dresden Boys' Choir to various regions of Germany and Europe, including Belgium, Finland, France, Russia and the tri-border region of Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In October 2018, the choir undertook a two-week tour of China. The Dresden Boys' Choir also maintains close contacts with boys' and youth choirs in Germany and abroad.

Soloists from the choir have sung several times in productions by other cultural institutions in the city of Dresden (Staatsoperette Dresden, Staatsschauspiel, Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden).

Soloists from the male choir also took part in an Arte production about Richard Wagner.
The Dresden Boys' Choir has performed several times at renowned festivals such as the Dresden Music Festival and the MDR Music Summer.At the 58th Music Festival for Young People in Neerpelt (Belgium), the Dresden Boys' Choir won first prize with distinction.

In addition to the recording of two masses by Johann Caspar Kerll, a CD production with international folk songs has been released.

The Dresden Boys' Choir is a member of the Association of German Concert Choirs.

Choirmaster: Matthias Jung
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)



Dresdner Mädchenchor (Dresden Girls’ Choir)

Foto: Katharina Fritze
Foto: Katharina Fritze

The Dresden Girls' Choir emerged from a children's and youth choir ensemble founded by Manfred Winter in 1965. Since 1989, the choir has been directed by Claudia Sebastian-Bertsch and has been part of the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory Dresden since August 2018. Rehearsals are held in the preparatory choir (for girls from 5 years/pre-school), concert choir (from class 5) and chamber choir (from class 8) according to age.

The choir's repertoire is extremely diverse: in addition to the works of old masters of the classical and romantic periods with original accompaniments, modern compositions, swing and modern music as well as foreign-language choral literature are heard. With the composition commissions "Und oben schwimmt die Sonne davon" (song cycle 2006/07) and "Der lyrische Bissen" (cantata 2011/12) as well as the singspiel Dresdner BaROCKgeflüster® (from 2008) and the multicultural own production "Eine Geschichte vom kleinen Muck" (2009/10), the choir broke new ground in scenic work. The Dresden Girls' Choir in Motion was heard and seen in the project "Chorodthia" (rhythm: Maria Poyiadji-Fink) for the Sonnenstrahl e.V. benefit concert (2014) as well as at the step singing in the Kreuzkirche (2017).

The voices of the approximately 50 girls have also been heard at the Dresden Music Festival, in the Dresden City Hall, in the Dresden Frauenkirche and in the Leipzig Gewandhaus. Numerous charity and benefit concerts as well as regular Christmas and spring concerts adorn the concert calendar. In addition, there have been concert tours and choir encounters as well as joint concerts with choirs, orchestras and soloists from the USA, Canada, Korea, Luxembourg, Holland, Austria and Germany (Hamburg, Lübeck and Munich). The Dresdner Mädchenchor has also successfully participated in numerous competitions (Baden-Baden, Bremen, Budapest/Hungary, Calw, Coventry/Great Britain, Düsseldorf, Grevenmacher/Luxembourg, Halle/Saale, Hamburg, Nerpelt/Belgium, Saarbrücken, Tegernsee and Zwickau). Numerous television, radio and CD productions made the choir known at home and abroad. In 2008, the Dresdner Mädchenchor was nominated for the Robert Edler Prize.

In cooperation with the Saxon Music Council and the Landesmusikakademie Schloss Colditz, a CD production was realised in 2010 and holiday academies were held in 2011/12/13/18 and 2022. In June 2012, the girls' choir took part in the German Choir Festival in Frankfurt am Main.

A German-German choir meeting took place in October 2013 and 2014 with the Munich Girls' Choir (director: Katrin Wende-Ehmer) in Dresden. Joint concerts were also held with the "Salzburger Mädchenchor" (conductor: Markus Obereder) and the "Salzburger Chorknaben und Chormädchen" (conductor: Helmut Zeilner) in Dresden and Salzburg. The exchange project (2016/17) took place within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Dresden-Salzburg city partnership. In December 2019, the Dresden Girls' Choir welcomed the girls' choir CANTA! from the Lübeck Music School (director: Elena Pavlova) to Dresden. We hope for a return visit to Lübeck soon!

Choir director: Claudia Sebastian-Bertsch
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46


- Prechoir (for girls from 5 years/pre-school): Thursdays from 4.15 to 5 pm
- Concert choir (for girls from class 5): Mondays from 6 to 7 p.m. | Thursdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
- Chamber choir (additional) (for girls from class 8): Mondays from 7 to 7:30 p.m. | Thursdays from 7 to 7:30 p.m.
- Voice group rehearsals (additional): Mondays from 4:45 p.m. | Thursdays from 5 p.m.
- Voice training: Mondays and Thursdays parallel to choir rehearsals

Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)


Foto: Katharina Fritze
Foto: Katharina Fritze

The equal-voice vocal ensemble VOCALISA Dresden was founded in 2002 by Claudia Sebastian-Bertsch and has been part of the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory since 2018. A large part of the members are former singers of the Dresden Girls' Choir who continue to enjoy singing together.

The voices of the young women have already been heard at the Dresden Music Festival, in the Dresden Frauenkirche and in the Gewandhaus Leipzig, among others. Furthermore, numerous charity and benefit concerts adorn the choir's concert calendar. In addition, there have been concert tours and choir encounters as well as joint concerts with choirs, orchestras and soloists from the USA, Canada, Korea, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Germany.

At the "XIII International Competition for Advent and Christmas Music" (2003) in Prague, the vocal ensemble was awarded the "Silver Ribbon". In 2010, the CD "Töne mein Gesang" was released.

Since its 10th anniversary, VOCALISA Dresden has maintained lively contact with the Potsdam vocalists. Both ensembles united their voices for the Dresden Castle Night in 2014. The vocal ensemble, whose extensive repertoire ranges from the works of Old Masters to contemporary compositions, offered further musical concert highlights during the 50th anniversary of the Dresden Girls' Choir of the JKS (2015).

In June 2016, the ensemble took part in the East Saxon Choir Competition of the Saxon Choir Association, where it was awarded a "Golden Diploma" and the special prize for the best interpretation of a German folk song.

Choir director: Claudia Sebastian-Bertsch

Rehearsal time: Thursdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m.

Rehearsal location: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)

Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Sonic Blue

Foto: Peter Fritzsche
Foto: Peter Fritzsche

The Jazz and Pop Choir of the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory was founded in April 1999. At present, the ensemble consists of about 25 singers.

Sonic Blue sings international jazz, pop, soul and crossover literature in ambitious four- to eight-part arrangements. Their own arrangements are also part of the repertoire.

In addition to the weekly joint rehearsal, there are register and other rehearsals in preparation for concerts as well as at least one choir weekend per year. Workshops with professional vocal coaches from the German pop choir scene such as Erik Sohn, Jan-Hendrik Herrmann and Matthias Becker supplement the rehearsal work and raise the level and motivation of the ensemble's singers.

Concert tours have taken the choir to Lake Constance (2012), the UK (2011) and Hamburg (2019). Highlights of recent years include concerts at the St. Pauli Ruin in Dresden, the Chornacht at the Palais Sommer, and performances at Werk2 and Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig (together with Chornfeld). In 2017, Sonic Blue sang the European premiere of the "Chicago Jazz Passion" (music: Bobby Lewis, Bobby Schiff, Andy Tecson | text: David Abrahamson) in Leipzig and Berlin with the big band of the Hanover Music Academy.

Sonic Blue regularly participates in choir competitions with very good results and has already won several promotional prizes.

Direction: Sabine Helmbold
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal day/time: Wednesdays 7 to 9 pm
Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)


dresdner motettenchor

Foto: Frank Höhler
Foto: Frank Höhler

The dresdner motettenchor was founded by Hans-Christoph Rademann in 1996. Since then, the ensemble has offered a good 40 singers artistic challenges alongside their studies and careers. The ensemble has a broad repertoire ranging from works of the early Baroque to the present day, with a special preference for rarely performed choral literature.

Taken over by Matthias Jung in 1998, the choir quickly established itself both inside and outside Dresden's concert scene thanks to its inspiring programmes. Various national successes, such as first prizes at the Saxon Choir Competition, successful participation in the German Choir Competition and first prizes at international competitions in Italy and Hungary, testify to its artistic ambition. In addition, the choir has enthused audiences on international tours to Strasbourg, Austria and Amsterdam.

The dresdner motettenchor has appeared as a guest at the Dresden Music Festival, the International Heinrich Schütz Days and the Bach Festival in Leipzig. Cooperations with the Saxon Vocal Ensemble, the Elbland Philharmonic Orchestra and the Virtuosi Saxoniae under the direction of Ludwig Güttler enrich its activities. After the successful recording of Günter Raphael's cycle "Advent and Christmas Carols", the choir released the CD "Requiem" with works by Zdenek Lukáš, Antonín Tučapský and György Orbán in 2012. A premiere recording with choral works by the Irish composer Colin Mawby was released in 2015.

Choirmaster: Matthias Jung
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal day: Wednesdays 7 to 10 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)


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