Heinrich Schütz Konservatorium Dresden

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Knabenchor Dresden (Dresden Boys’ Choir)


Knabenchor Dresden (Dresden Boys’ Choir)

With its specific, charming sound, the Dresden Boys' Choir has enriched Saxony's great choral tradition since 1971, making it one of the younger boys' choirs in Germany. Manfred Winter founded the Dresden Boys' Choir and led it successfully until Matthias Jung took over in 1998. With the change of leadership, the choir was also affiliated to the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory.

Today, the choir has around 90 boys and young men between the ages of 5 and 30 who make music together in various choir groups. Its repertoire ranges from sacred and secular vocal music from the 16th century to contemporary choral music. One focus is on sacred vocal music from the 16th to 18th centuries. Choral works accompanied by orchestra are also regularly on the program.

Concert tours take the Dresden Boys' Choir to various regions of Germany and Europe, including Belgium, Finland, France, Russia and the tri-border region of Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In October 2018, the choir undertook a two-week tour of China. The Dresden Boys' Choir also maintains close contacts with boys' and youth choirs in Germany and abroad.

Soloists from the choir have sung several times in productions by other cultural institutions in the city of Dresden (Staatsoperette Dresden, Staatsschauspiel, Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden).

Soloists from the male choir also took part in an Arte production about Richard Wagner.
The Dresden Boys' Choir has performed several times at renowned festivals such as the Dresden Music Festival and the MDR Music Summer.At the 58th Music Festival for Young People in Neerpelt (Belgium), the Dresden Boys' Choir won first prize with distinction.

In addition to the recording of two masses by Johann Caspar Kerll, a CD production with international folk songs has been released.

The Dresden Boys' Choir is a member of the Association of German Concert Choirs.

Choirmaster: Matthias Jung
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)



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