HSKD orchestras
Akkordeonata Elbflorenz

With verve and a lot of passion, the accordion orchestra Akkordeonata Elbflorenz of the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory Dresden shows what is possible on the accordion. Danny Leuschner lead the adult orchestra with just as much passion since 2023. Founded in 2000, today 16 young people and adults in the age group from 18 to 65 make music together in the orchestra. The repertoire ranges from baroque works and contemporary music to folk and light music.
Akkordeonata Elbflorenz has successfully participated in international competitions. Concert tours have taken the ensemble to the Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Hungary and the Netherlands. In 2023, the orchestra had a concert tour to Wroclaw (Poland).
New players are expressly welcome!
Orchestra directors: Bärbel Claus and Danny Leuschner
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Thursdays 7 to 9 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: auditorium of the HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden)
Benjaminorchester (Benjamin Orchestra)

When the Benjamin Orchestra enters the stage, the audience's hearts melt. In the children's string orchestra, the children learn rhythmic and dynamic basics, good intonation and, above all, experience the joy of making music together. Multi-part canons, dances as well as smaller and larger pieces from different countries and eras are rehearsed.
You are between 9 and 12 years old and want to be a Benjamin? We look forward to seeing you!
Orchestra leader: Beate Augsburg
Contact: via the school office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Thursdays 3.30 to 4.30 pm and 5 to 6 pm
Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)

In our string orchestra "Bogenschützen", about 70 young people between the ages of 11 and 15 make music. Since its foundation in 1994, the orchestra has become a permanent fixture at our school, because its repertoire not only delights its audience, but also the musicians themselves. The repertoire is multifaceted: from classical music from all eras to film music and rock and pop music.
The orchestra meets once a week together with percussionists and works out a new programme every school term. As a rule, the archers give four to six concerts a year. Rehearsal weekends and rehearsal camps are further highlights in the annual calendar and promote the cohesion of the ensemble.
Would you like to become an archer? Then come along to a rehearsal - but please register with Sylke Hebenstreit beforehand.
Orchestra leader: Sylke Hebenstreit
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Wednesdays 5 to 6.30 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)
Jugendstreichensemble (Youth String Ensemble, JSE)

The Youth String Ensemble (Jugendstreichensemble JSE) of the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory Dresden exists as an alternative, smaller string orchestra to the Dresden Young Orchestra. At present, about 30 pupils between the ages of 13 and 18 make music in the orchestra under the direction of Johann von Ruthendorf.
Its repertoire could not be more varied: the concert programmes include baroque and romantic pieces as well as lively modern pieces. Rehearsals take place once a week, there is also one rehearsal day per half year and once a year a rehearsal camp in the surroundings of Dresden, where more intensive rehearsals and getting to know each other are possible.
Concerts are held regularly on a smaller scale.
The orchestra is always happy to welcome new members!
Orchestra leader: Johann von Ruthendorf
Contact: via the student office: (0351) 8 28 26-45
Rehearsal day/time: Tuesdays 5.30 to 7 p.m.
Rehearsal location: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)
Dresdner Nachwuchsorchester (DNO)
The musicians from the Dresden Junior Orchestra (Dresden DNO) are gaining initial experience in orchestral playing. The children and adolescents are aged 10 to 16, and the focus is not on musical perfection, but rather on enjoying music and learning how to play together. In recent years, applicant numbers in some registers were much higher than the capacity available, which is why recital auditions are held every summer. Motivation, more so than ability, is the pre-requisite for membership.
The orchestra operates under the artistic direction of Prof. Milko Kersten. After one or more ‘years of study’, the best members have the opportunity to move up to join the ‘big people’ in the DJSO, which they often do.
Conductor: Prof. Milko Kersten
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Mondays 4 to 6.30 p.m.
Rehearsal location: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)
Dresdner Jugendsinfonieorchester (DJSO)

The Dresden Youth Symphony Orchestra (DJSO) gives students aged 13 to 21 the opportunity to enjoy and learn symphonic repertoires without performance pressure or a focus on a musical career. In addition to technical playing skills, their co-ordination and social skills are also developed. The DJSO is conducted by Prof. Milko Kersten, who also lectures at the Carl Maria von Weber College of Music.
Particularly dedicated and gifted members of the orchestra are regularly given the chance to give public solo performances. The orchestra also enables pupils to meet with the HSKD’s eminent registered teachers, musicians from the ‘mentor orchestra’ a.k.a. the Dresden Philharmonic, and renowned artists from all genres.
The ensemble currently has 64 members, who generally work on two to three repertoires a year together at weekly rehearsals and rehearsal camps.
The Dresden Philharmonic has been mentoring the youth orchestra since January 2006, with the joint family concerts being the highlight of this partnership.
Conductor: Prof. Milko Kersten
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Tuesdays 4 to 7.30 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: "Kraftwerk Mitte" (Lichtwerk 14, 01067 Dresden)
Kinderorchester b.i.o.nachwuchs (b.i.o. juniors)

In the b.i.o.nachwuchs, the HSKD's young musicians' plucked orchestra, pupils between the ages of 7 and 12 who have already had at least one year of instrumental lessons make music.
The orchestra's core instrumentation naturally includes mandolins and guitars, but violoncello, double bass and recorder now also have a permanent place in the ensemble. In addition, percussion, accordion and piano regularly enrich the ensemble. The orchestra's repertoire consists of easily playable music from various epochs and styles.
The weekly rehearsals are complemented by a joint rehearsal weekend in inspiring surroundings.
The b.i.o.nachwuchs can be experienced, among other things, at the "Dresden School Concerts" and together with the "big" B.I.O. Federal Instrument Orchestra at the department's orchestra concerts. In cooperation with the dance department of the HSKD, joint performances have already been realised several times - always a special experience for all participating pupils.
New players are always welcome.
Orchestra director: Katja Mangold
Contact: mangold.katja@hskd.de or by telephone via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Mondays 4.15 to 5.30 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: auditorium of the HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden)
Bundinstrumentenorchester (B.I.O.)

Our Bundinstrumentenorchester - B.I.O. for short - celebrated its 70th birthday in 2021! Founded in 1950, the orchestra today unites almost 50 players aged 12 to 84. Its demanding and varied repertoire includes music from the Baroque period to contemporary music, original compositions and arrangements, folk and art songs, folklore and Schlager.
The orchestra's special sound is based on the interplay of mandolins, mandolas, octave guitars and guitars as well as a bass. The B.I.O. participates regularly and very successfully in competitions and is, among other things, a prize-winner of the German Orchestra Competition.
Joint musical projects with our young musicians are also regularly initiated and realised.
You want to become a part of the B.I.O.? We are looking forward to meeting you.
Orchestra leader: Birgit Pfarr
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Mondays 6.15 to 7.45/8 p.m., approx. 5.45 p.m. meeting for tuning, chatting, preparing
Rehearsal venue: auditorium of the HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden)

In the orchestra "Saitenweise", adults play works from the Renaissance period to the modern age. We rehearse once a week on Mondays from 6.30 to 7.45 p.m. and play in a classical formation with mandolins 1 and 2 (amplified with octave guitars), mandolas and guitars (sometimes also with bass).
We have guitarists and/or mandolinists who took lessons as children and teenagers and had to give up their passion due to family or work commitments, as well as music lovers who have started to learn an instrument at a more advanced age. All musicians have (re)discovered their love of music, which finds room for development in the orchestra "Saitenweise".
Would you like to play with us? We are looking forward to meeting you.
Orchestra leader: Henry K. Kowallik
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Mondays from 6.30 to 7.45 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden), room B 1.1
Juniorblasorchester (JuBO)
Du glaubst gar nicht, wieviel Spaß es macht, mit anderen Kindern gemeinsam zu musizieren! Auch unseren ganz jungen Schülerinnen und Schüler soll im Juniorblasorchester die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, frühzeitig in einer Gruppe zu spielen. Herzlich willkommen sind bei uns Kinder ab dem Grundschulalter, die ein Holzblas-, Blechblas- oder Schlagwerkinstrument lernen. Nach nur kurzer Zeit auf deinem Instrument kannst du schon bei uns mitwirken. Wir treffen uns einmal wöchentlich, du kannst jederzeit zum Zuhören oder auch Mitspielen vorbeikommen.
Mit einfachen Arrangements erlernen wir die Grundlagen des Ensemblespiels. Schon bald werden wir bei einem ersten kleinen Konzert deinen Eltern und Freundinnen/Freunden zeigen, was wir alles gelernt haben.
Orchesterleiter: Thomas Köckritz
Kontakt: über Thomas Köckritz (koeckritz.thomas@hskd.de)
Probentag/-zeit: dienstags, 15.30 bis 16.30 Uhr
Probenort: Aula (Glacisstraße 30/32 | 01099 Dresden)
Nachwuchsblasorchester (Junior Brass Orchestra, NBO)

You have been playing a wind or percussion instrument with pleasure for about 2 years, but don't want to play alone anymore? Then come and join us in the junior wind orchestra!
With us you will experience classical music that will blow your mind, film music that you know and have always wanted to play, and certainly music that you may never have heard before.
We are about 40 young musicians who enjoy making music together. You don't have to be afraid if you can't quite manage one or two things on your instrument. We help each other. After all, you are with us to learn something :-). The highlights of each school year are our concerts, some of which we perform together with the HSKD symphonic wind orchestra.
If you would like to get to know us, you are welcome to come to the orchestra rehearsal after a short consultation - to listen or even to play along. And afterwards you can decide whether you want to be part of our orchestra.
Orchestra leader: André Stemmler
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Thursdays from 4.00 to 5.45 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: auditorium of the HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden)
Sinfonisches Blasorchester (Brass Symphony Orchestra, SBO)
The symphonic wind orchestra of the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory Dresden currently has 60 young people and adults aged between 14 and 24. Young musicians who have come to Dresden to study or work are also very welcome.
The orchestra's regular events include the large-scale annual concert, a rehearsal weekend as well as a summer and a Christmas concert. For these, we work on about three different programmes each year without any pressure to perform. Our varied repertoire includes original compositions for symphonic wind orchestra as well as film music, big band arrangements and classical wind music.
Orchestra leader: Thomas Köckritz
Contact: koeckritz.thomas@hskd.de or by telephone via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Rehearsal day/time: Tuesdays 5 to 7.15 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: auditorium of the HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden)

The rhythms get under your skin - literally explode: our big band brings the classic big band sound à la Duke Ellington and Glen Miller, as well as blues, rock, shuffle, Latin, salsa, reggae and funk to the stage. The fun of jazzy improvisations and harmonies, of grooving and jamming in the community as well as good intonation and perfect movement playing are in the foreground.
Our big band is made up of young people, students, young adults and, in exceptional cases, young-at-heart adults who are already very good at playing their instrument.
Come and join us!
At the moment we are especially looking forward to new band members with the instruments trombone and trumpet. But saxophone, guitar, piano, percussion and drum players are also very welcome.
Big band leader: Andreas Reuter
Contact: reuter.andreas@hskd.de or by phone via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46
Set rehearsals: Wednesdays 5.20 - 6.05 p.m.
Full rehearsal: Wednesdays 6.15 - 7.45 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: branch "Kraftwerk Mitte Dresden" (Lichtwerk 22, 01067 Dresden)
Im neuen Crossover-Orchester ist jede und jeder herzlich willkommen, unabhängig davon, welches Instrument sie oder er bereits wie lange und wie gut spielt, und ob überhaupt. Einzige Voraussetzung sind Neugier und Freude am gemeinsamen Musizieren.
Geleitet wird das Orchester von dem Gitarristen Juliano Camara und dem Trompeter Michel Fleischhack. Die beiden jungen Musiker werden auf die Besetzung zugeschnittene Stücke arrangieren und komponieren. Was gespielt wird, entscheiden die Mitspielenden gemeinsam.
Geprobt wird immer donnerstags von 18 bis 19.15 Uhr in unserer Aula (Glacisstraße 30/32).